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    Posted by taag on 2023/10/5 7:12:12 (1557 reads)


    Çï·çÏ°Ï°£¬½ðҶƮƮ£¬ÃÀÀöµÄÇÇÖÎÑÇÖÝÓÖÓ­À´ÁËÒ»ÄêÒ»¶ÈµÄÇ廪УÓÑ»á¾Û»á£¡ÎÒÃdzÏÖ¿µØÑûÇëÄúÓÚ10ÔÂ21ÈÕ£¬ÔÚÑdzÇÒËÈ˵ÄÇïÌìÀÓëÎÒÃÇÏà¾ÛÓÚMorgan Falls Overlook Park£¬¹²Í¬¶È¹ýÒ»¸ö³äÂúÎÂÜ°ºÍ»¶Ð¦µÄÈÕ×Ó¡£½ìʱÎÒÃǽ«Â¡ÖØ»¶Ó­½ñÄêÇ°À´ÑÇÌØÀ¼´óÁôѧµÄѧµÜѧÃÃÃÇ¡£ÈÃÎÒÃÇÒ»ÆðÒý¿ÔУ¸è£¬³©ÐðÍùÊ£¬¹²»°Î´À´¡£

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    Posted by taag on 2023/5/22 11:53:23 (5540 reads)

    Posted by taag on 2023/4/2 19:19:00 (1491 reads)


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    Posted by taag on 2023/2/3 23:44:21 (1744 reads)

    ÇÇÖÎÑÇÖÝÇ廪УÓÑ»áÑûÇëÄú²Î¼ÓÔƾۻáϵÁн²×ù£º×·Ëæ×ÅÁºË¼³ÉÁÖ»ÕÒòµÄ×ã¼££¬´ÓÇ廪½¨Öþ¹Ýµ½ÌÙУUPenn£¬´Ó½¨Öþµ½¹æ»®£¬´ÓÃÀ¹úµ½Öйú£¬´Ó±±¾©µ½ÉϺ££¬¾´ÇëÆÚ´ý½¨ÖþϵУÓÑÍõìÍÃÀ¶«ÖÜÈýÍíÉÏ8µã¡°³ÇÊеÄÉúÃüÁ¦¡±½²×ù¡£ÍõìÍУÓÑÏÖÈÎPerkins Will ÉϺ£¹æ»®Éè¼Æ×ܼࡣµ½Ê±ÇëɨÃè¶þάÂë²Î¼Ó΢ÈíTeams»áÒé(Èç¹ûÓÃÊÖ»úÇëÔ¤ÏÈÏÂÔØTeams App)¡£

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    Posted by taag on 2022/4/14 22:39:00 (2532 reads)


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    Posted by taag on 2021/3/18 5:33:30 (3409 reads)

    Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia (TAAG) joins other community organizations in condemning the violence that occurred on March 16, 2021 and the murders of these victims: Xiaojie Tan of Kennesaw, Daoyou Feng and Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez of Acworth, Paul Andre Michels of Atlanta, and four other Asian women yet to be identified by authorities. We would like to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims¡¯ families.

    We call on our members to continue the tradition of strong civic engagement and to work with other Georgians to build a safer society.

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    Posted by taag on 2020/11/18 16:28:28 (3354 reads)


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    (1) 2 3 4 ... 11 »

    ÁÖçâ¡¢»ÆÎÄÁÖ $100
    ³ÂÔ·Éú¡¢Ð¤Óî $100
    Daobing Ye $50
    Yongjun Geng $50
    Zhan Liu $20
    Â¥Óî°º $100
    93Ë®ÀûÑîѧ¾ü $100
    ÕÅƼ The Ping Mortgage Company $100
    Yunke Yang $20
    Vincent Zhou $100

    5/15/2020 3:00pm Ç°ÊÕµ½ÒÔϾè¿î ¹²$8961£º
    ÁÖçâ¡¢»ÆÎÄÁÖ $200
    Wenli Sun $200
    Li Li $200
    Ping Zhang at Ping Mortgage $500
    Yuangsheng Chen, Yale Xiao $500
    Zhou Yuan $50
    Ting Chen $100
    Bo Gao $100
    Daobing Ye $100
    Wenbo Ding $200
    Lucy Zhang $100
    Yixin Cai, Jia Wang $100
    Zhong Zheng $100
    ºÎÁÕ&ÁõÕ¿ $100
    Zechun Gao $100
    Hanjun Li & Hongmei Yao $100
    Liping Zhu $100
    TAAG $1000
    Yuang Lou: $200
    YIZHENG XIE: $50
    Ëå¹â»ª¡¢Xiaofan Jiang: $100
    Kaiwen Luo: $10
    Yunke Yang: $100
    Vivian Yue: $100
    Huijun Wang: $100
    Rutao Yao: $50
    Eric Xue with Dezhu US: $300
    Yan Yu: $50
    »ÝÇØ¡¢ÎâÐã·¼: $100
    »Æ½¨ÖС¢Áº¼Î: $200
    Fan Zeng: $50
    Song Wei: $100
    Yuan Zhuang & Xing Xie: $100
    Zhaohui Chen: $50
    Xue Yu: $20
    Yu Mao: $100
    Xuejun Meng: $100
    Shuang Jansson: $200
    Linda Sun: $100
    Ñîѧ¾ü: $200
    Ping Li: $20
    Wenny Harris: $50
    Îâ÷÷&ÅáÓ: $200
    June Wang: $100
    Zheb Shi: $100
    ¸ßÃöµØ²ú:  $60
    Shuhang Liu: $200
    ÓÈÁ¼¡¢´ÞêÍ: $500
    Yao Xin & Chunming Zhao: $100
    Weiping Zhai: $200
    Yongjun Geng: $50
    Dan Liu and Jian Luo: $200
    Yi Tang & Xinping Wang: $100
    ÀîÜöÃû¡¢»Æ˼¾û: $100
    Jin Tong & Di Tian: $100
    ¹ùÖ¾ËÉ: $200
    ÑÇÌØÀ¼´óÍ⾭ó´óУÓÑ»á: $500
    Zihan Lin: $50

    ±£»¤ÎÒÃǵÄÒ»ÏßÒ½ÎñÈËÔ±²ÅÄܱ£»¤ÎÒÃǵļÒÈË¡£ÎÒÃÇÒ»¶¨ÄÜ´òÓ®Õⳡ¿¹ÒßÖ®Õ½¡£ - Wenli Sun
    💪💪- Xue Yu
    ÑdzÇÎá¼Ò£¬ÌìÓÓÃÀ¹ú¡£- Îâ÷÷&ÅáÓ


    TAAG (Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization registered with the State of Georgia.
    We welcome your donations and we have had donors from around the world. Please always consult with your own tax accountant as your donation may or may not be tax deductible depending on your tax jurisdiction and the circumstances related to each donation.
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    © 2001 - 2020 Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia