Date 2002/1/24 11:21:00 | Topic: TAAG News and Announcements
| 除夕刚过,正月十五元宵节马上就要来临。清华校友会乔治亚州分会将于1月16日本周星期六晚7时整在亚特兰大北边的Sugar Mill社区俱乐部举办卡拉OK舞会,品尝汤圆,共度良宵。 今年亚特兰大华人社区的春节庆祝活动,可以说是好戏连台。其中商会第十届春节联欢晚会和专业人士协会的“亚城之春”文艺晚会在人们的掌声和赞扬声中降下帷幕,为亚城华人带来了艺术的享受和难忘的乡音。值得一提的是,清华校友会是这两场演出的主要协办单位之一,为演出的准备和运作尽心尽力,充分体现了亚城华人社区团结向上的精神。
除夕已过,清华校友会将在这个周末为会员和朋友举办一个别致的活动,“卡拉OK,元宵舞会”。除了唱歌跳舞扑克游戏外,理事会届时将现场为大家制作汤圆作为甜点,为您带来不尽的快乐,友谊和亲情。希望看到这一消息的朋友和校友相互通知。由于俱乐部场地只能容纳80到100人,请务必事先预定,使我们心中有数,便于接待。入场卷会员每人2元,非会员每人8元。预定请联系下列理事会成员:校友会主席肖宇(678-584-0345, yalexiao@yahoo.com),理事姜思娟(678-475-0767, xydong@juno.com)。乔治亚理工学院和其它院校的校友请联系副主席米宝(404-249-9440, gt8003a@prism.gatech.edu)。
Happy Spring Festival. We believe many of you have experienced and are continuing to experience the holiday spirits in Atlanta. Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia (TAAG, http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/thaag), in supporting local organizations such as CBAA and ACP, has successfully co-hosted two performances in the past two weeks to celebrate the 2002 Chinese New Year. Many of our members have involved in organizing and running the two shows. A lot more have enjoyed the excellent performance by local and international artists. However, don't think those are the end of the celebrations. We have another one coming this Saturday, which is designed specially for TAAG members and friends. This Saturday, February 16 at 7:00pm, TAAG is going to host a Spring Festival Dancing Party at Sugar Mill Club House located in North Fulton. This is also a celebration to the so-called Lantern Festival (January 15 according to lunar calendar) and we will make sweet dumpling, the special food for this occasion as refreshment. Activities also include card games, game console for kids, etc. Please come and join us for this special event. Fun and friendship are guaranteed. Since the clubhouse has a capacity limit, RSVP is highly preferred and appreciative. What: TAAG Spring Festival Dancing Party When: Saturday, February 16, 7:00pm Where: Sugar Mill Clubhouse Things to do: (1) Dancing all the night (2) Karaoke (3) Card Games and Game Console (4) Sweet Dumpling (Yuan2 Xiao1) for refreshment. Admission: $2 TAAG adult member, $8 none-member. RSVP: XIAO Yu: 678-584-0345, yalexiao@yahoo.com; JIANG Sijuan: 678-475-0767, xydong@juno.com MI Bao: 404-249-9440, gt8003a@prism.gatech.edu Driving Directions: http://www.sugarmill.org/Resources/graphics/map.gif 1. If you are coming from 141 south, turn right (East) onto 120 (Abbott's Bridge Road). At the first traffic light(0.5 Mile), turn left into the Sugar Mill subdivision; Go straight along the Sweet Creek Rd for 0.8 mile to the first 4-way stop sign, the club house is on your right. 2. If you are coming from Peachtree Industrial Blvd South, turn left (West) onto 120 (Abbott's Bridge Road), at the second traffic light, turn right into the Sugar Mill subdivision. Go straight along the Sweet Creek Rd for 0.8 mile to the first 4-way stop sign, the club house is on your right. Thanks.
Board of Directors
Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia