
Date 2004/1/20 0:34:00 | Topic: TAAG News and Announcements

吃过了大年三十的年饭,欣赏了热闹的春节联欢晚会,您是否想放松放松筋骨,到舞场来活动一下儿呢?位于亚特兰大的乔治亚州清华校友会将于2月7日星期六下午6点在环境优的位于Country Club of the South 社区的club house举行一年一度的庆元宵节舞会。除了让您能在优美的旋律中翩翩起舞,我们还为您准备了美味的自制元宵,校友会子女才艺表演和卡拉OK等活动。
由于场地和各项活动的安排, 请您预先和下列理事会成员联系并登记:主席卢声凯(shengkai@bellsouth.net), 副主席高大龙(gte655w@prism.gatech.edu) 和 袁晓东 (chairyuan@hotmail.com)。舞会的票价为成人二元,儿童免费。


Country Club of the South 社区的 路线图如下:

The community is on Old Alabama Road, near the Northeast Fulton/Spruill Oaks Regional library. You will see the Main Residential Entrance from street where there is a traffic light. When you come to the gate, tell the guard you come to Zhang's party at Recreation Center. Once you come in the gate, drive straight about 1/4 mile, the recreation center is on the left.

This article comes from Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia

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