TAAG To Hold Seminar on World Culture Heritage In China 《中国29处世界遗产之简介》

Date 2004/3/10 18:14:00 | Topic: TAAG News and Announcements

Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia (TAAG) is proudly presenting a seminar on the world culture heritage in China this Saturday from 1:30pm to 4:30pm at Spruill Oaks Library.
This is the second seminar presented by Professor ZHAO Bingshi from China's Tsinghua University. In this seminar, Prof Zhao is going to focus on the 29 properties in China that are inscribed into the World Heritage List of United Nations (http://whc.unesco.org/nwhc/pages/doc/mainf3.htm).

The seminar is free and open to the entire community in Atlanta.


清华校友会于3月6日下午在Spruill Oaks图书馆成功举办了《北京城市发展历程—回顾与展望》讲座.中国著名的建筑师赵炳时教授以其生动的语言,丰富多彩的图片为大家介绍了北京城的历史形成和变迁,以及未来的规划。讲座受到了来宾的一致好评。

为满足大家的要求,我们有幸再次邀请到赵教授作题为《中国29处世界遗产之简介》的讲座。赵炳时教授将为大家系统介绍中国的29 处世界遗产的情况。他将用Power Point (幻灯)的形式给我们分类介绍这29处被联合国教科文组织认定的名胜及文化古迹。另外他还会简单介绍全世界在这方面的概况。欢迎有兴趣的各界朋友参加。

讲座将于3月13日下午1:30至4:30 Spruill Oaks 图书馆举行。此活动由Info Realty 公司赞助。

Spruill Oaks图书馆的地址是:

9560 Spruill Rd
Alpharetta, GA 30022



TAAG Board

This article comes from Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia

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