
Date 2005/2/13 23:29:00 | Topic: TAAG News and Announcements

吃完了年夜饭, 也欣赏了精彩的各类春节联欢晚会, 您是否希望放松放松筋骨, 到舞场上活动活动呢? 位于亚特兰大的乔治亚州清华校友会将于2月26日星期六下午6点举办一年一度的元宵节舞会。除了让您能在优美的旋律中翩然起舞,我们还为您准备了美味的自制元宵,校友子女才艺表演和卡拉OK等活动。

舞会地点定于环境优美的Country Club of the South社区的club house. 其路线如下:
Drive on Peachtree Parkway, turn west to Old Alabama Rd. Drive about 3.5 miles, the Country Club of the South is on your left side. You will see the Main Residential Entrance from street where there is a traffic light. Please use left side entrance at the gate and tell security personal that you are for the Chinese New Year Party. After enter the gate club house is about 500 yards straight ahead on the left, just pass the bridge.

乔州清华校友会是成立于1996年的在乔治亚州注册的501(c)3非盈利组织,拥有注册会员一百多名。清华校友会常年有捐助活动。 如果您愿意慷慨解囊,请与我们联系。收到的财物,我们会按价值开具收据,减免个人或家庭税收。详情请参见我们的网页:http://www.taag.org。

This article comes from Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia

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