
Date 2005/4/11 23:11:00 | Topic: TAAG News and Announcements

为庆祝清华大学九十四周年校庆和乔治亚州清华大学校友分会成立九周年,乔治亚州清华校友会将于4月23日星期六下午2点,在Country Club of the South 的recreation area 举行一年一度的校庆聚餐活动。欢迎各位校友和朋友们参加这一年一度的盛会。让我们在这春暖花开的日子,在这绿树环绕的园林中与老友相聚,和新友相识。
清华校友会将为大家提供免费午餐及饮料, 并为小朋友准备了很多有趣的游戏节目。如果你有关于野餐会的事宜,请联系下列理事会成员:主席袁晓东(678-525-6889, chairyuan@hotmail.com),副主席张润舟 (rzhang77@yahoo.com), 林玮(wei.lin@jiachina.com)。乔治亚理工学院和其它院校的校友新生请联系高大龙(gaodalong@hotmail.com)或赖瑾(gtg410r@mail.gatech.edu),以便协调汽车接送。

根据乔州清华校友会的章程,我们将收取会员年度会费5美元。乔州清华校友会是在乔治亚州注册的501(c) 3非盈利组织,欢迎各界朋友参加。另外,清华校友会常年都有捐助活动。主要是将会员不用的生活物品转送给新来的校友新生。如果您愿意帮忙,请与我们联系。收到的物品,我们会给您按价值开据收据,减免个人或家庭税收。详情请参见我们的网页www.taag.org。

聚餐会将在Country Club of the South 的recreation area 举行,请在大门门卫处声明是参加RunZhou ZHANG的聚会。在recreation area附近会有校友会旗帜为标记。聚会下午2点举行,请校友们按时到达。

Drive on Peachtree Parkway, turn west to Old Alabama Rd. Drive about 3.5 miles, the Country Club of the South is on your left side. You will see the Main Residential Entrance from street where there is a traffic light. Please use left side entrance at the gate and tell security personal that you are for the RunZhou ZHANG’s Party. After enter the gate club house is about 500 yards straight ahead on the left, just pass the bridge.

If you need search the address on the web, try this address: 4230 Old Alabama Rd Alpharetta, GA 30022. That’s the office, not the main entry. The main entry is the next door on the south.

This article comes from Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia

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